Repórter Brasil

Repórter Brasil

Animation for the 20th anniversary of Repórter Brasil

I am glad to have participated in this “commemorative” project for the 20 years of the non-governmental organization Repórter Brasil.
We wanted to capture the work of 20 years of research on issues such as modern slavery, illegal pesticides, Amazon deforestation and child labor.
The dark mood of the animation immerses us in topics that are difficult to deal with and assimilate, but which are very present not only in Brazilian society but in various parts of the planet.

Script: Leonardo Marçal
Art & animation: Leo Uehara
Music: penguinmusic
Sound Design: Frankie Walker
Direction: Leonardo Sakamoto & Rafael Gonzaga
Production: Onze Onze Filmes
Realization: Repórter Brasil

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